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Meet UpaDowna’s small, but mighty staff! Together we bring our backgrounds and experience in outdoor recreation, wellness, and FUN to help our community get outdoors!

Did you know?! All UpaDowna staff started as  program participants or dedicated volunteers and eventually made their way to become professional  “adventure unleashers.”


Christina Lorete

Executive Director


Lindsey Duthrie

Development Manager


Jaclyn Mueller

Program Manager


Reuben Reynolds

Intro to Climbing Instructor

Board Members

Meet our Board! Our all volunteer board is made up of a diverse cross section of business professionals in Colorado Springs.

Melissa Archibald – Board Chair

Spencer McKee – Secretary

Open – Treasurer

Sam Chapman – Member

Aimee Vigil – Member


Badassador- (noun), a person who is “bad ass” and an ambassador at the same time. These folks have shown their dedication to our organization day in and day out. We couldn’t do what we do without them!

Steve Hitchcock- Founder and previous Executive Director

John Ferris-The guy behind the Yeti! UpaDowna logo designer, website builder, participant, volunteer, board member and donor.

Robert Mitchell- There from the start, co-founder, gear-reviewer, stud volunteer

Dana Adoretti- A friend till the end. Former board chair, rock-star volunteer

Ryan Ross- Former Programs Director, Virginia-based UpaDowna leader

Leah Schrag- Grant-writing, money-finding, volunteer Director of Development

Luke Richey- the UpaDowna version of Superman

Heather Boyd- Registration Maven

Terrence Smith- Annual donor, dedicated volunteer, Harbormaster

Mark Bowers- 2017 & 2018 Programs Manager

Tami Hartman-Annual Donor, Volunteer, & Queen of the Cleanups!

Nadia Cordoba-Past Intro to Climbing, and Adventure on Tap staff member

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