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“Man overcomes himself, affirms himself, and realizes himself in the struggle towards the summit, toward the absolute.” - Lucien Devies, French Committee to the Himalayas There’s a reason this book has sold more copies than any other mountaineering tale on…


Beyond The Horizon

  384 pages Colin Angus lived out his dream through the highs and lows to become the first human to circumnavigate the globe utilizing only human power, and this is his story. With wild adventures of man eating bears in…


Little Princes

Win a copy of this book! See rules below!     Life seems to get in the way sometimes, especially when it comes to reading books. Personally, I love to read books but (excuses, excuses) can hardly find the time…


Desert Solitaire

Edward Paul Abbey (1927-1989) based his book Desert Solitaire on his time spent in Arches National Park in the late 1950's. At this time, Arches was not very well known. The roads to get out to the area were few…


National Audubon Field Guides

So often in life the little things are over looked or unappreciated, this is the case with some of the greatest field guides I have ever used. The National Audubon Society puts out a series of field guides that are…


The Complete Walker IV

  The quintessential gear guide, often referred to as the "Hikers Bible". Although gear evolves at a lightening fast pace, Colin Fletcher and Chip Rawlins do a great job of compiling a great resource for those that can't get enough…

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