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As Apple merges with Verizon this March, there will no doubt be an increase in iPhone sales and users. With the merge, and the surge of new users a higher demand for the newest and greatest apps will be created. Thankfully for us this will also include killer outdoor apps! One of the new apps with the tech savvy, gadget loving adventurer in mind is the iSwissTool. This 10.2 MB app runs for $0.99 on iTunes, and is sure to be liked by app geeks everywhere. The hardest part about using this app is figuring out a name for it upon the first use. I went with the infamous "LeeRoy Jenkins" (I revisit this YouTube classic often). Designed after the well recognizable Swiss Army Knife, the iSwissTool has a whopping 14 nifty features. These features can do things like, show your elevation, convert currency for the worldly traveler, give you GPS coordinates, fix a crooked table with the level, and of course show you which way you're going with the compass. It's fairly user friendly, even though the iTunes page for it is mainly in German. The big downside is, it's a battery killer! I think this app has a lot of potential, and I like the thought of updates and expansions for it. iTunes goes off a 5 star rating for it's apps. For now though, I would only give it a 2.5-3 star rating. I think it's a neat concept and pretty fun too, but unlike the real thing it's not opening any wine bottles for you.



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